Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Esri ArcGIS Server, Publish Shape File Warning 30003: Layer draws at all scale ranges

Esri ArcGIS Server, Publish Shape File Warning 30003: Layer draws at all scale ranges

When Publishing shape files from ArcGIS server i received a warning "30003: Layer draws at all scale ranges". 
This post concerns about what this warning is and how to resolve this issue.

What is warning 30003 : Layers draws at all scale ranges, well working with maps you have probably come up with a problem that information at certain zoom level jumbles up and you have to zoom in and zoom in to perceive information

When you set information detail in dependence with zoom level you can have this warning removed.

Note: For Beginners, never ignore a warning while publishing ArcGIS server layers, its a tip :) 
You try to google the errors and you'll know what things are and how they work . . . 

If you publish a shape file whose extent is specified you MUST MUST MUST read this article.

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