Saturday, March 29, 2014

Error while starting AppServer. Required port '4000' already in use

Error while starting AppServer. Required port '4000' already in use

I faced this error while registering database to ArcGIS server, well this can be resolved by opening 
  1. Control Panel 
  2. System and Security
  3. Administrative Tools
  4. Services
On Services window find the ArcGIS server service and stop it. 
and after few seconds start it or restart it for automatic restart. Then again try and you'll see that error is removed.

Reason for this.

ArcGIS server uses javaw.exe and it got Hang, This was keeping port 4000 busy independently from ArcGIS server. So it said that Error while starting AppServer. Required port '4000' already in use.

Connect Postgresql to ArcGIS

Connect Postgresql to ArcGIS

If you are having problems connecting Postgresql to ArcGIS This post will describe in detail how to connect, Moreover i will post some more things on Postgressql, PostGIS, Arc Catalog, ArcMAP, Arc GIS Server etc

First Install Postgresql and also its spatial Extension (PostGIS). When this is installed we have to instal Postgres client side libraries for the successful connection.

(Note: Be sure to download the correct libraries for your ArcGIS client. For ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine, you need the 32-bit libraries. For ArcGIS for Server, you need the 64-bit client libraries)
Client Side Libraries:
from the PostgreSQL folder and put it into the ArcGIS Desktop bin folder

Now Open Arc Catalog,
and click on Database Connections in Catalog Tree and then open Add Data Base Connection

It will open connections window, add the following information
  • Select PostgreSQL from Database Platform
  • Write in Instance window
  • Select the Authentication type, use Database Authentication and write the user name and password in the database,
    Note : The default super user of PostgreSQL may vary as it come with different combinations of softwares i.e
    • If you have downloaded it directly and then installed Apache and phpmyadmin from StackBuilder then username password is
      username : postgres
      password : postgres
    • Where as if you download it from bitnami i.e. WAPP server (Windows + Apache + PostgreSQL + Php) then username password would be
      username : bitnami
      password : bitnami
    •  Or you can always make a super user/ user of your own choice from database or Phpmyadmin.
  • When you enter instance and user name password then on successful connection you should be able to see the list of databases in the Database dropdown menu, here i only have the sample postgis_21_sample database, press ok and You'll have the connection.